Jack Wasserman is Professor Emeritus of Art History at Temple University, Philadelphia. He has published extensively on Italian Renaissance art and architecture, including many articles and three books. Among articles is "The Quirinal Palace in Rome" published in 1963, and "Giacomo della Porta's Church for the Sapienza in Rome and other Matters Relating to the Palace," bother published in 1964 in the Art Bulletin. The three books are: Ottaviano Mascarino and his Drawings in the Accadmia di San Luca published in 1966 under the auspices of the Accademia di San Luca in Rome; Leonardo da Vinci published in 1975 by Harry N. Abrams of New York; and Michelangelo's Florence Pietà published in 2003 by Princeton University Press of New Jersey. Professor Wasserman has received many honors and awards, among the most important was his election as Accademico Benemerito dell' Accademia di San Luca a Roma.